Sunday, 20 January 2013

Huron Blackheart

Chaos Lord of the Red Corsairs & his Chaos Biker Scouts

The Deathwing 1st Company of the Dark Angels

My current pride & joy these are all for me......... Hail the Emperor & Grandmaster Belial!!

Recent & Current Projects

Some recent pictures of current and finished models, hope you like!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Long time no post!

Well it's been a busy one with more grey knights commisions, painting some of my chaos marines & deciding I'm a Loyalist at heart.

So after buying, painting & playing lots of games with the new chaos space marine codex things just haven't gelled..... sadly!

So now I'm purely a Grey Knight & Dark Angel (Deathwing) player.... hail the EMPEROR and all that!

I'm buy myself some IG & more Inquisitor bits but thats about it!

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Purifiers Commission

The latest thats hiding in the painting den!

Have done 5 Purifiers & 5 more are in the process, base having been decided upon yet!

The Purifiers load up & move out with their psycanons

The Knight of the Flame takes is turn on watch!

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Dinner at Warhammer World GW HQ

A great day of a massive 4000pt battle between Grey Knights & Dark Eldar/Eldar that finished with this.... Mmmmmmm & a few ales!!!!!!

"I will slay this mighty burger & I did, which is more then my Grey Knights did against the DE/Eldar"

Khorne Chosen

My first chosen from Dark Vengeance set that I run with my Black Legion list!